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Small Business Accounting Firm

Not just another group of bean-counters.


About Hebb & Company, LLC

The Hebb & Company team includes Certified Public Accountants and a Certified Fraud Examiner who bring significant experience in both corporate and public accounting within a variety of industries.

Our mission is to be your most trusted business and tax advisor.

We continually strive to exceed your expectations by combining our professional experience and expertise with integrity, objectivity, and our ever-expanding resources and capabilities.

We are not just another accounting firm. While accounting and taxation represent our areas of professional expertise, taking the time to understand your unique needs is our competitive advantage.

Exceptional service, coupled with a genuine interest in the needs of our clients makes our firm unique. Keeping in mind that your success will ultimately determine our success, we take the time to understand your needs and design our services accordingly.

It is not a one size fits all approach. Customizing our services for your unique needs may take a little more thought and planning, but we believe that you and your business deserve no less.

Denise M. Hebb

Certified Public Accountant

Certified Fraud Examiner


As a small business owner of various businesses during her career, Denise brings her expertise in all matters related to operating a small business to her clients. Whether it is healthcare, financing, retirement plans, employment issues, marketing, financial reporting needed to manage and evaluate your business, or budgeting, Denise possesses expertise in the area and offers clients valuable insight and information to improve their businesses.

Denise keeps current on the ever-changing tax codes through her own research and by taking many more continuing education courses than her licenses requires. She also teaches continuing education on topics such as preventing fraud & abuse, lying, cheating, & stealing, and ethics. Denise has also taught university-level accounting, auditing, and tax courses at local universities

As a life-long learner, Denise is not only well educated and informed about accounting and tax matters she studies various real-world topics such as healthcare reform, income inequality, and the opioid epidemic. Denise spends a few weeks each summer recharging at Chautauqua Institution attending lectures, concerts, special education classes, and opera, theater, symphony, and ballet performances.


Hear what our clients have to say.

"I run a family-owned funeral home business, which is a unique business requiring specialized professional financial, bookkeeping, and accounting support. Hebb & Company was recommended to me a few years ago to lead the charge on handling all the accounting and financial aspects of the operation.

It is without regret that I can say that the Hebb & Company services have made all the difference in the world allowing me to concentrate on my own business and to not have to worry about the numbers.

They go above and beyond the call of duty to diligently monitor and assess all accounts and statements. Forms are filed timely and accurately. Tax planning is always in the forefront. Hebb & Company is always readily available to advise and guide business strategies which will optimize my profit goals. I feel assured that they will always have my best interest at heart.

I would highly recommend their services for your business."

—James T.


Ready to get started?

Contact us today for help with your accounting, taxes, or business.

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